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Release Tension, Restore Vitality

The ancient technique of cupping is used to promote well-being and address a variety of health concerns. Cupping involves the application of light suction at specific points on the skin, serving as a low-tech yet highly effective method for enhancing circulation, alleviating muscle tension, and restoring balance to both internal and external disharmonies. When used in conjunction with acupuncture, cupping offers a synergistic approach to healing, supporting the body's natural ability to heal and thrive.

Through the gentle suction created during cupping, our skilled practitioners facilitate a dynamic response in the body, releasing tension in myofascial layers and connective tissues, dispersing muscle adhesions, and promoting the body's natural recycling responses through improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Whether you're seeking relief from muscle pain and tension, recovering from injuries, managing emotional stress, addressing menstrual disorders, alleviating digestive complaints, or managing respiratory issues like asthma and chest pain, cupping therapy offers a versatile and effective solution tailored to your unique needs.

Experience the rejuvenating benefits of cupping therapy with us and take a step towards optimal health and vitality.

Cupping is an ancient therapeutic technique that involves placing cups on the skin and creating a vacuum or suction effect to draw the skin upward into the cup. This technique is often used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been practiced for thousands of years in various cultures around the world.

The cups used in cupping therapy can be made of glass, plastic, or silicone, and they come in various shapes and sizes. The most common method involves heating the air inside the cup to create a partial vacuum, which causes the skin to rise and redden as blood vessels expand. Alternatively, cups may be used with a handheld pump to create suction.

Cupping therapy is believed to promote healing by improving blood flow, loosening tight muscles and fascia, and promoting the flow of Qi (vital energy) in the body according to TCM principles. It is often used to alleviate muscle tension, promote relaxation, improve circulation, and stimulate the body's natural healing processes.

While cupping is considered safe when performed by trained practitioners, it can leave temporary marks or bruises on the skin due to the suction effect. These marks typically fade within a few days and are not harmful.

Cupping therapy offers a non-invasive and natural approach to promoting health and well-being, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking alternative or complementary therapies for various health concerns.

What is Cupping?

Fire cupping

Cupping therapy offers a natural and non-invasive approach to promoting health and well-being, making it a valuable option for individuals seeking relief from various physical and emotional conditions. Whether used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities, cupping therapy can provide numerous benefits for individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

Why Cupping?

Muscle Tension & Pain Relief      

Cupping therapy is highly effective in relieving muscle tension and reducing pain. The suction created by the cups helps to release tight muscles, increase blood flow, and promote relaxation, making it an excellent choice for individuals experiencing muscular discomfort or stiffness.

Stress Reduction & Relaxation    

The gentle suction and massage-like effect of cupping therapy induce a profound sense of relaxation and stress relief. Many individuals find cupping sessions to be calming and rejuvenating, helping to alleviate both physical and emotional tension.

Respiratory Health                            

Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in improving sleep quality and treating insomnia by regulating the body's circadian rhythm and promoting relaxation. By targeting specific acupuncture points associated with sleep, acupuncture can help reduce insomnia symptoms and promote restful sleep, offering a natural and drug-free approach to sleep disorders.

Improved Circulation                    

Cupping therapy enhances blood circulation to the targeted area, facilitating the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and promoting the removal of metabolic waste products. Improved circulation can accelerate the body's natural healing processes and contribute to overall health and vitality.

Injury Recovery                           

Cupping therapy can be beneficial for individuals recovering from injuries, such as strains, sprains, or muscle tears. By promoting blood flow to the affected area, cupping therapy supports the body's natural healing mechanisms and may accelerate the recovery process.

Digestive Support                            

Cupping therapy may also be used to address digestive complaints, such as bloating, indigestion, or abdominal discomfort. By promoting blood flow and stimulating the digestive organs, cupping therapy can support digestive function and alleviate discomfort..

Cupping with Sarah Biffen

Customized & Individualized

Treatment Protocol

A customized and individualized treatment protocol with cupping therapy is designed to address the specific needs and goals of each individual in a safe, comfortable, and effective manner. Beginning with a thorough assessment of the individual's health history and treatment objectives, the practitioner develops a personalized plan that incorporates cupping therapy as a central component. 

This plan may include targeting specific areas of the body, employing various cupping techniques, and integrating cupping with other complementary therapies as needed. Throughout the treatment protocol, the practitioner closely monitors the individual's progress and makes adjustments as necessary, ensuring that the therapy remains aligned with their evolving needs. 

Additionally, the individual receives education and guidance on self-care practices to support their healing journey, empowering them to take an active role in their own well-being. By offering personalized care tailored to each individual's unique circumstances, a customized treatment protocol with cupping therapy maximizes the therapeutic benefits and promotes overall health and vitality.


Cupping is typical not covered by insurance.

Experience the rejuvenating benefits of cupping therapy with our personalized sessions, priced at $95 for approximately 30-minute session

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